The 2nd Activity for November is to SHOP in REAL LIFE.  What does that mean?  What this means is go into our local stores and visit with the businessowners.  Think about who lives in our community, raises their children in our community and has a business here, support them.  Our local businesses are constantly being asked to support our school events from sports posters to Post Prom; they are asked to support youth activities, donate to silent auctions, etc.   When you shop online does that store support your local community?  Sunday, November 24 is the downtown open houses from 12-4 and November 30th is Small Business Saturday – have you been inside our local stores lately?  There are many advantages of stopping in our local stores in real life versus those out of town or online; for one- all the tax money stays right HERE in Benton County.   For those of you who already shop local- THANK YOU!  Thank you for utilizing our local lawyers, retail shops downtown, restaurants, insurance companies, furniture/appliance stores, wood working facilities, auto dealerships, gyms, gas stations, etc- THANK YOU!  Thank you for finding the value of small town living. 

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